This is us on the suspension bridge!! It was pretty sturdy, I'd say. After we'd gone across, we took a close look at the cables that hold the bridge up, and theyu appeared to be some sort of rubber or plastic!! Does that seem safe to you?? And there was also some sort of goop holding some stuff together which looked pretty shady, but we survived. By the time we got to the suspension bridge, I felt like we should be close to the top, but no no no. There was more to come. It took us almost four hours to get to the top because apparently we took the most picturesque and difficult way up the mountain. Just when we could see the highest peak, we'd end up going down the side, then up, then down etc.

These are just a couple of the sweet pictures I took. I ended up taking about 100 pictures at wolchulsan. I think people probably got annoyed with me as I had to stop multiple times so I could get a shot of some craggy mountainside for the twentieth time!! Today I'm in a lot of pain. My legs are pretty useless at the moment. There are about four steps I have to descend to leave my apartment in the morning and I almost didn't make it (a bit of hyperbole, shut-up marcia).

And here's me getting in the way of some more beautiful landscape. We had a little rest her on a small ledge and just looked at everything for a while. The higher we got, the more cold everything was, so it was nice to be able to rest in the sun and not freeze our asses off.

This is a picture of the view from that ledge which was pretty cool. It's slowly morphing into autumn over here, which makes for some pretty pictures.
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