Happy Birthday to Marcia!!
etc. etc., da da da da do do
So old! OLD!! (two years older than me). Criticise my grammar will you!!!
This week we have a bunch of fifth graders in from the same school, and I don't know what they're teachers have been telling them, but for some reason I'm a HUGE celebrity. All of these kids have digital cameras and they want a picture with the "Round eyed godzilla-esque celebrity" named Kesi (that is how my name is spelt in Korean- 캐 시). (I have no idea how to spell "round eyed godzilla-esque monster".) Needless to say it's been a lot of fun. They all stare at my pictures in the textbook then look at me and whisper to eachother. Of course it's in Korean, but I have a pretty good idea it goes something like this:
Ji-hwan: ohh!! It's her!! I heard her name is Candy!
Hae-young: Dude!! She is weird looking!!
Ji-hwan: Is that a perm? Did she dye her hair?? Her head is so narrow and funny looking!
Hae-young: Maybe. Oh god, she's looking at us. Don't look at her!!
Ji-hwan: Do you think she knows we're talking about her??
Of course I know!! You're gesturing at me and whispering!! Bunch of heathens!! But I don't actually mind; usually it's really funny.
Hmmm.. not really sure what else is worth writing about. Not really a lot going on in the Cathy universe at the moment. Watched an interesting Korean movie (called "Welcome to Dongmakgol") over the weekend.

It was set during the second world war in a village in South Korea that was so isolated that the inhabitants had no idea that there was even a war going on, or what a gun was. First an American soldier crashes his airplane near their village and they take him in. The most hilarious part of the movie is when the smartest man in the village tries to talk to him using a phrase book. The old man asks "How are you?" and the American is supposed to reply "Fine, and you?" but of course the American starts talking to him normally. The old man becomes flustered and complains to the other villager that the American doesn't know the rules to conversations. This just struck me as so unbelievably true. Kids always come up to me and say "teacher! Teacher! How are you??" and if I reply with anything other than "fine, and you?" they are completely lost. The American pilot's name is something boring and stereotypical like John Smith, but all of the villagers call him "Su Miss!!". Quite apt.
Next a few North Koreans happen upon the village after their gang of soldiers has been killed in battle. Then, of course, a couple of South Koreans, which results in craziness and humour. I had never seen a WW2 movie from the Korean perspective, so it was very interesting.
Have a nice day!! Choun ha-roo doi-sei-yo! 좋은 하루 되세요!
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