Monday, April 30, 2007

This One's For The Family And Friends Back Home

The result of a double-dog-dare:What's Cathy doing?? What... oh wait, she's contemplating a spoonful of blood-chunk-soup. Yep, on my spoon is a congealed, cooked hunk of blood (and some onions). Is she actually going to eat it????
Of course she is!!! Cathy's no wimp. Alex and myself went out to a Samgyupsal place on Friday, and were served a steaming bowl full of blood soup while we waited for our meal to arrive. So, of course, we decide to take pictures of eachother eating it. It actually doesn't taste all that bad; just strange. Then Alex went into this big long story about how the blood is gathered; I'm not convinced that this is true, but apparently the blood is left to drip from a dead animal of some sort, congeal, then is cut up and put in the soup. Masshiket Juseyo! (Enjoy your meal!).


Anonymous said...

Cathy, What will you NOT do for a dare??? That stuff looks totally gross!!! Although I suppose you could pretend it was chocolate jello. No wonder you are always asking for food in your care packages.

Anonymous said...
