On Saturday Stu, Alex, Monique and myself met up at 11am to climb wolchulsan... again. This time though, Stu suggested the "goat trail", which meant that it was much more difficult. We found ourselves jumping over huge rocks, hanging from old ropes over sheer cliffs, and slipping along loose gravel on the rocks. It was a lot of fun.
These are our "Korea Phighting" poses. This was at the beginning when we still had lots of energy, and were ready to "kick the mountain's ass".
This is one of our many stops on the way to the top (which we could just barely see in the distance). At the top of this particular mountain there was lots of holes in the rock. This was a particularly stagnant pool of water we found. (That's alex resting nearby).
At varios stages on a big fat rock. The nice thing about the "goat trail" is that we were pretty much the only people on it. Once we went down the mountain on the regular path it was really crowded. Waiting in line to walk sucks.

Here's the view from the top (as Stu eats some chips on the right).
Looks absolutely beautiful. Almost makes up for the food you have to eat.
Awesome pics!
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