Monday, April 16, 2007

The Day Kesi Teacher Spazzed

Had my extra afternoon class today. Came perilously close to freaking out on a student. It kills me that half of the class is SO GOOD, and so willing to try; if only I could just weed out the kids who are only there because their parents make them go!! So I'm trying to teach them about the country and the city (super-fun topic eh?) and there's this one boy, of whom I will name "Evil Ringleader" who will never speak English at all (in any way, even just repeating back to me). Then he's got his buddies "Crony 1", "Crony 2", and "Crony 3" that do his every bidding, just to make things extra fun. So they were running around the class, doing nothing, refusing to even open their books or participate. Just as I was about to scream and rage (or adversely to burst into tears) one of my nice students who hardly ever says a word, said "Kesi angry?" and made devil horns with her fingers. Of course I started laughing and said "Yes. Kesi very mad."

So I gave stickers to all of the kids who actually did something. Mom, all of the stickers you just sent me are already gone (I've got some more from Bridget on reserve though)! I said "two stickers each", which the students took to mean "two pages of stickers each". By that point I just wanted everyone gone though, so I dismissed the class.

Sometimes it's just so frustrating that I can't yell at them in Korean! There are so many ways I could get them in trouble if only I could actually talk to them without hearing "mulaiyo" (I don't understand). AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! There, now I feel better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If only you knew how to say "don't make the white devil angry" in Korean...