Monday, April 02, 2007

Moon Walk!!!

Sometimes it's funny what information the mind retains. One of my students today could probably barely get out a "how are you?" but he was able to say "Moon walk!! Moon walk!!" as he did just that. Little weirdo.

The teacher of the class in English town today took all of his students and us teachers out to lunch at a "chinese" restaurant. We all had those noodles with the dark brown chunky sauce that looks like evil, but tastes delicious! Who knows what that's called in Korean?? English teachers?? It must have been pretty expensive for the teacher to feed 30+ people though!

Hmmmm... wow. I can't think of anything interesting that's happened to me recently, and I think that this is due in part to the fact that I've been living here so long nothing seems strange or unusual to me anymore!! In some ways I'm almost jaded: no when I see a temple I'm no longer impressed. I think to myself, "yep, that's a temple alright. Just like the one i saw... blah blah blah". Aren't I a jerk? And I just don't notice the staring anyomre. It definitely hasn't stopped, it just doesn't register in my mind unless it's REALLY blatant. On Saturday I went out with some friends to see a band play at the local waygookin bar. Afterwards we were all walking back to our hotel rooms a little inebriated and there was a group of Korean guys walking along beside us. After the usual hellos etc (drunken Koreans are very friendly!!... and so are sober ones... hahahahahaha), a waygook who shall not be named (ah, forget it, he'd be proud! It was Neal), decided it would be a good idea to "steal a Korean". This is a quote. So he picked one of the guys up and ran away, to the laughter of everyone, including the guy Neal tried to steal. Then the Korean guy tried to steal Neal later on etc etc. Is it just me, or is that REALLY funny? Maybe you had to be there...


Anonymous said...

If you travel to an Asian country you will eventually get used to things like temples and staring... it happened to me, but I got tired of them,unless they were really impressive.


mightycathy said...

You make it sound like you've lived in China for years!

Anonymous said...

Maybe stealing Koreans will become a national sport and part of the Olympics.
Now that is really lame when I read it back to myself.
Anyway I guess you'd have to be there!!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it felt like years...
