Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Written Apology

I was just having an msn conversation with Alex and felt compelled to say sorry after ten minutes of "your mom" jokes. I'm sorry Alex's mom, for what I've said, and I'm sorry to my mom, for what Alex has said. Hahahahahahahahahahaha... but apparently Alex thinks you're a hot mom, so that's always good!! Hahahahaha, the best part: I've just written this on my blog, and now you're going to be printing it out (for other readers, my mom prints off all my entries)!

In other news, Mom, I got your Easter pictures and letter. I especially liked the fake smiles as the siblings did the dishes. Muahahahahahahahaha. Marcia was telling me she wished I'd been there to deflect some of the abuse, so it's nice to know I'm missed, even if it's only as a potential target!!

And now, to totally switch topics again: I felt that I was long overdue for some Naju English Town pictures. I've always been meaning to add some but it just never happened. I would just like to show everyone that I work in a cartoon:

Yep, that's an actual car, sans engine.


Anonymous said...

What are you and Alex saying??? Not sure I like being talked about, but I guess I talk about you all the time so we are even!!! You are working in a cartoon and some of the characters look pretty scary, no wonder your kids don't behave!!!
Will DEFINITELY be printing that blog and passing it around.

mightycathy said...

You don't want to know what Alex said!! He's a weirdo! And of course you'll be printing it off! It says that you're hot!!

Hey! What are you saying about me now? It'd better be nice.

Anonymous said...

HAhahahaha, I said you still have S-line!