On Saturday I headed out to Mokpo to pay Kristen a visit so I could say Happy Birthday and all that stuff. We started the evening with a traditional Korean singing/dancing/instrumental extravaganza. This is the only picture I took because we weren't supposed to use flash photograpy, and I thought I had turned off my flash, but I hadn't, and it went off in the middle of the performance. After that I felt bad so I didn't want to take any more . There was one really good performance involving four guys playing various traditional instruments. I was absolutely transfixed by one of the guys; he had really bad hair, but he was having a marvelous time banging on his little mini-gong insatrument.

Then we walked over to a restaurant called "China Food" whish was delicious.
And here's Hyun-joong about to bite Kristen. Eeeek!
Before I went to Mokpo Saturday afternoon, I decided to go for a nice walk on the mountain with the helicopter pad on top. I rarely see others on the trail, and I got there at around 9am, so I had wondrous visions of solitude. This vision was coming true until I spent too long at the top resting and was joined by a few students from my school. After the "Hello Kesi's!!!" were over, they made it known that they were with an entire class full of students on a field trip. Just my luck. So after about thirty more hellos, a photo opportunity with the waygook, and trying to assist the kids up the mountain ("Candy teacher!! Help me!! Help me!!") I got to leave. I can never escape!!!
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