Wednesday, March 21, 2007

So... Uhhh... What's up with you??

I am so freaking bored!! Seriously. Everyone that reads this, leave me a comment of the funniest thing that's happened to you recently. Seriously! Entertain me! Mom! I know you'll read this eventually! Grandma! Uncle Richard! Siblings! Friends! Strangers!

This entry is all about how I suck at looking busy. After hanging around on facebook for a while, looking at every one's blogs, and checking my e-mail, I haven't a clue what to do with myself. Oh yeah, and that teaching stuff that I do intermittently throughout the day.


Anonymous said...

ok here goes. I was in Ottawa this past weekend and stayed with my brother, Dave, and his fiance, Keanan. He was showing me the new elliptical machine they got and as we were walking back down the hall to the living room he slapped my bum! I was like what the hell dude, I'm your sister you freak!! He honestly forgot who I was for a second and thought I was Keanan. It was creepy and I was only mildly disturbed. I told him he needs to get out more.

Goulash said...

Funniest thing that's happened to me recently? Reading your blog and realising how similar our days at work are!!! I do exactly the same thing... start with e-mails, go on to facebook then try to find someone who's updated their blog since yesterday (or this morning even!)

Goulash said...

PS. Bridget, I don't know you... but that really is disturbing.

Anonymous said...

hahaha... yeah, Bridget's a bit of a weirdo...


Anonymous said...

The funniest thing that happens to me is reading you blog. It is always good for a laugh. How sad is my life. Nothing new here except the bugs are coming back because it is finally getting warm and Bandit is eating them. He is getting very fat!! Watch him around Korean men, they would probably think he'd make an excellent snack.
PS Bridget's story WAS disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Bridget, I only loved your story! :D Is it wrong, that when I read that, I thought "yeah, that would so happen to her!"

Funny story from me...I'm going for rivaling Bridget, here...
So Yu Cheol (student, grade 12) has been getting more and more friendly with me (such a sweetheart)...and now out-does Hong Jeong Rok on the skinship! Yesterday, he actually came up from behind me and hugged me doing that walking-while-hugging thing that I see students do in the hall, with his head on my shoulder. ...he also patted my bum several times that afternoon @_@ hahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha

oh, don't get your panties in a bunch! - I'm securely attatched a proper gentleman my age now :) hahahahahaha

mightycathy said...

what do you mean "that would so happen to her"?? Hahahahahaha... are you suggesting Bridget WANTS to have her ass slapped by her brother?

Anonymous said...

I got this hydro bill recently and it was a little bit more than I had expected (damn you Canadian winter). So i was in the back seat of my sisters car just kind of thinking about it and I guess I looked super pissed so my neice asked me if i was mad at her. I said "Oh no honey, uncle Dan is just mad at the Hydro Company." "Oh" she says. I'm still staring out the window so she asks again "What are you thinking about uncle Dan?" I said " I'm thinking about the hydro bill sweetie" "oh" she says. By now shes picked up this other sheet thats fallen out of the bill envelope and shes looking at it with this cute 2 year old angry look. She does this for a good five minutes before I ask her, "Hon, what are you thinking about?" Looking positivly despondant she replies "The hydro bill." I assured her quickly "oh no honey, you dont have to worry, mommy and daddys rent is inclusive." A few weeks later when i was mad at something else entirely she was absolutly convinced that I was still at odds with the hydro company. I dunno, maybe you had to be there. Anyway I thought I would say hi, HI!!! and let you know I got your post card and I read the blog all the time. It's good to see you're well (except for the finger) and that you're having a good time.


OH!!! I almost forgot, my sister is pregnant again! WOO more children to corrupt for me!!

mightycathy said...

Wow, Gwen can say a lot more than she could when I left!!

Thanks for the stories so far everyone, but I know more people that read this thing!!