Thursday, March 22, 2007

Oh Naju Hospital; We Meet Again!!

So I'm in Yongsanpo (the ass-crack of Naju) on my way to MBM (my favourite store EVER) and I was supposed to be meeting up with some people, but I was early so I figured I'd do a little shopping-- BAD MOVE. So I'm walking along, not a care in the world and other such cliches, totally zoned out as usual, contemplating something inane I'm sure. And what do I do? I trip on NOTHING and fall down. As I fell, I put out my hands to break my fall and ended up bending back my middle finger to an alarming degree. It hurt like a bastard, and my first thought, of course, was: my co-teachers are going to make me go to a hospital! Dammit!

Funny sidenote: there was a middle school girl walking behind me at the time, and when I fell, she rushed over and said "Are you okay, do you need any help?" and my reply as I sat on the sidewalk: "Wow, your English is good. No, I'll be okay."

So, yeah, my hand is all swollen and uselles today, so my super-nice co-teacher Mrs. Lee made me go to the hospital and get an x-ray, but nothing's broken, just a SPRAINED MIDDLE FINGER. I know dad's gonna love that one!! I'll never give anyone the finger again. Bad karma.


Anonymous said...

Dad now believes in Karma. Watch your step or we will have to start calling you Grace like your sister. At least you sprained your finger by falling on it instead of using it toooo much.
PS NO MORE HOSPITAL VISITS, be careful over there!!!

mightycathy said...

Awww... mom! I LIKE the hospital though...

I'll try to be more graceful. I know Bridget's also all over this story, since she likes to call being clumsy "Pulling a Cathy".

Everyone's support is just overwhelming! *Tear*