Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Bit of a Whiner Moment (Feel Free to Skip This)

I know everyone who reads this is going to think "boo-frickin-hoo Cathy", but I'm feeling a bit of the post-excellent-and-very-long-vacation blues. I'm back at work (but not teaching yet) so I'm just kinda sitting around in the office being useless and dwelling on my boredom. Now that I'm back from my various adventures and counting up how much I've spent, I realize that I should also start saving some money, which means I'll be doing less fun stuff.
Then I talked to Alex and he made me feel better: "awe c'mon, you know you're looking forward to seeing all those cute little faces again and being called beautiful and Candy and mixed-race" (that's a direct quote).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cheer up CAC!!! There will be more adventures to come.