Thursday, October 19, 2006

Classic Korea Moment

Last night, after losing two games of 10 pin to Stu and Max, we all head over to Heim Pizza. "Heim" is a bastardized version of Pizza Hut that probably serves some of the most expensive food there is to be found in Naju (because it's "western"), but when you're craving cheese, there's nothing to be done!

So we're sitting in Heim at a front booth munching on some cheese crust pizza when an old waygook walks by, sees us, stops dead in his tracks and comes in. This guy fits the "world weary traveller" stereotype perfectly. He's got a dark tan, a couple old bags of god knows what, a hat with a flashlight on it and some "hiker" style clothing with lots of stains. So Tom (as we later learned was his name) came in and asked who we were, and where we were from. Max is from England, Stu from Australia and I'm from Canada. He called me a hoser.

Then he asked if any of us were catholic.

My first thought: "Oh man. A missionary. How do we get rid of him???", but he launches into this story about how he sells furniture from the orient overseas. One day he was lifting what he thought was a huge one-piece dresser, but it came apart and smashed his left foot. When he went to the hospital, the doctor apparently took x-rays and Tom found out that his foot had indeed been crushed. At the same time this is happening, in Naju, a statue of Mary becomes famous for crying tears of blood. Tom goes to the statue everyday for a week and puts a drop of water from the fountain nearby on his broken foot. After this he goes to the doctor again, gets another x-ray, and his foot has completely healed.
So not he goes back every year and gets more water to ship home. Apparently the same water has also healed a brain tumour the size of a fist.

An interesting guy!! He also basically told us his life story; he's married to a Korean woman, has 13 or 14 siblings, his business is worth a million dollars (but his partner was a dirty rotten thief) etc. etc.

All in all, an interesting night!

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