After a few days of Haad Rin, we needed to get away from the rampant tourism, and the incessant beat of the Euro-pop that was constantly being played on the beach. So we travelled to the other end of the island and stayed at the Wang Sai Resort (for about $3 each per night). This area was equally if not more beautiful, and was a big site for snorkelling, which I was REALLY excited about. I'm not a good swimmer, but snorkelling was amazing! All kinds of tropical fish, choral and these disgusting looking but totally fascinating big black sea slugs. At first they were kind of freaking me out. At one point I was swimming around in some really shallow water and something brushed my foot. I'm ashamed to say I had a bit of a mini-panic-fit; I was utterly convinced that it was a sea slug, trying to eat me (hahahahahaha... it was actually a strap from my life jacket). What I'd really wanted was to see a shark, but it was a no go (which is for the best because then I REALLY would have freaked out!). A tour guide had claimed there were sharks in the region, and I heard a diver talking about seeing a tiger shark on a dive nearby, but I saw no shark.

This was our bungalow at Wang Sai. The walls were made of woven bamboo, so when you were inside the light shone in through all of the holes. This also made it quite easy for the geckos to come and go as they pleased. Geckos were EVERYWHERE. You could just look at the walls or ceilings of any of the restaurants and you'd see a few crawling around.

The view one night from the resort restaurant.

sigh. palm trees.
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