Sorry mom, I know this is a little... offbeat. But if you saw a big restaurant named "Cock" in South Korea, wouldn't you probably think it was a little funny???? It is some sort of Korean food restaurant that must sell lots of chicken (I hope). Went into Gwang-ju last night to see a movie that ended up being out of theatres, so sadly enough, this restaurant was the highlight of the night.
Got into a discussion with a fellow Naju-ite last night (on the bus ride into Gwang-ju) about a movie called "Waking Life". "Waking Life" is a bit of a philosophical movie about this man's state of consciousness. He is always mistaking his dreams for reality, and vice versa, so he never knows when something is ACTUALLY happening. Maybe I'm not really in South Korea, I'm not teaching english, and I'm not a "round-eyed Godzilla-esque monster; it's all a bizarre, surreal dream. I still have a lot of "Oh my god, I'M LIVING IN KOREA" moments. Like taking the city bus for example; it's all so very normal until I look out the window and see temples, big statues of Buddha's, ENDLESS apartment complexes, street vendors selling dried octopus, and lots and lots of Paris Baguette's*.
* For whatever reason the store "Paris Baguette" is HUGE here. Even Naju has one, which is saying a lot. It's your usual bakery type store (with some Korean influences of course) and they're all over the place. I'd never heard of the place until I came here; I don't recall ever seeing one in Canada. Can someone prove me wrong?
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