Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Wishful Thinking

This morning just before my alarm clock woke me (obnoxiously playing "Feliz Navidad", which will be stuck in my head all freaking day), I was having the most wonderful dream. I was shopping with the waygook Wednesdayer's (Monique, Stu, Max) in a CANADIAN grocery store (the Independant Grocer in Exeter, ha ha). I was buying the ingredients to make myself some tacos (not sure why), and some pink lemonade (sigh!) to go with it. I think we were still in Korea, it was just a "Canadian style" grocery store. I guess I must have been hungry this morning.

Oh, and parents, thanks for the package!!! For whatever reason customs in Seoul was very interested in the contents (they even cut through the duct tape for me, very classy by the way DAD). I think when they saw the turtles and wrapped gifts they realized you weren't trying to smuggle WMD's into the country and sealed it back up. Oh, and I got your Christmas card as well, which I agree is REALLY tacky but I loved it anyway.

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