Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Hidden Dangers in K-Town

So last night I was walking home from work, minding my business as usual, Saying "hi" to the random kid that screamed my name. Then as I was about to get to my apartment complex, about five older Korean men stopped me in my path. One grabbed my arm and basically pushed me to the side of the street, off the sidewalk. I found my self standing before some old guy, not knowing what the hell was going on. Then he reached inside this archaic oven of some kind...(dramatic pause, building of tension)... and pulled out a big, cooked sweet potato and handed it to me. I started to laugh at this point, and when I tried to pay him for it, he refused. I had to drop the thing because it was so hot (it had just come out of an oven) and all the old guys laughed at me as they ate theirs. So beware the streets of Korea; there are people lurking around, wanting to give you free food. When I got home I cracked that baby open... mmm sweet-potato goodness. Korean's consider the sweet-potato to be a dessert, which I think is hilarious.

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