So I've finally made it back to Canada. States that I have driven through in the last week: Michigan, Illinois, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington (maybe more...). When I was driving through Washington (day 6) I went from the mountains into almost-desert for a while. I swear to god a tumbleweed hit my windshield! Getting into Vancouver was brutal. A long line up at the border and annoying old man behind me made it pretty painful. I was creeping along one milimetre at a time in the big lineup of cars waiting to go to customs. Every time I let my mind wander (which is quite often) and didn't pull my car right in behind the car in front of me (even if I could only pull my car forward a few extra feet) he'd HONK at me! Then I'd look in the rearview mirror and he'd be shaking his head as though I'd inconvenienced him greatly. Hahahahaha... after a while I'd just NOT pull up so he could get angry. What a dillhole.
Vancouver seems alright for a big booming metropolis. The mountains in the background everywhere definitely add to the aesthetics though. Right now I'm staying at another hostel. For whatever reason, hostels always smell BAD. Those backpackers just can't stay showered or use deoderant I guess. Bunch of hippies. One of my roomates brought her teddy bear with her and it's sitting on her bed. Interesting.
Tomorrow I'm off to Vancouver Island to hopefully go whale watching! Expect some blurry photos of water with black splotches in the near future.
1 comment:
HAHAHA Gotta do something to keep yourself amused while waiting in line :P
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