Today Mrs. Lee was checking out my blog and got me in trouble for not writing in it recently, so here I am!
So... this weekend: Stu decided it was a good idea to have a big party in Wando to celebrate the full moon and the birth of Canada, and I was all for it. Yes, it may be monsoon season, but up until now I hadn't experienced anything "monsoon-like"; just a bit of rain and a lot of humidity. So about a group of twenty crazy waygooks decided to pitch some tents near the beach. Saturday afternoon was beautiful! Nice and warm, and even a bit of sun. Once the sun had gone down though, it got a little cold and rainy, but that wasn't a big deal either. In the middle of the night, the wind really began to pick up. It sounded and felt like something was shaking the tent insessantly. I thought to myself "okay, that kind of sucks, but okay". Then the torrential downpour began. I was in a tent with Monique and Alex, and this tent wasn't so waterproof, so I was just trying to stay away from the edges. Then the thunder and lightning began, once striking so close that I FELT the reverberations (yeah... we were all in tents set up around the only trees in the area as well...). The rain was still pounding down soaking our tent so when the lightning let up, we took refuge in a big public restroom. Of course as I was running through the dark in the rain to the restroom I fell down twice, once into a huge puddle. Magnificent. Monique followed shortly thereafter and lost her sandal to the very same puddle I had fallen in! At this point sleep was certainly not an option and the sun had begun to rise somewhere behind the dreary dreary clouds. At about 5:30am we left the bathroom to start cleaning up our stuff and assess the damage. Someones motorcycle had fallen into the mud and broken the clutch, a big tent Stu had erected had fallen down, peoples tents were flooded and broken, and most heinous of all, I couldn't find my Korean won boxers (I'd left them to dry on a bench the previous evening and I thought they'd blown away. I later found them in my backpack). So we left camp at shortly after six (pouring rain still) to catch a bus back to our respective homes.

The guy wearing the Canada hat umbrella is just a random guy. Monique and I were on the beach and he came up to us asking to take pictures, and we gave him a bit of a glare, said no and walked away. Then as we were all sitting around drinking and chatting he came over again, telling us he was an "off duty coast guard", and wanting everyone's picture. So someone gave him a beer and we posed for some pictures.
All in all, a fun weekend! Thanks for the organization (and the curry!) Stu! A true adventure/disaster (there is no such thing as an adventure if there's no disaster!)!
Cathy's "Oh Crap I Fell Down Again!" Count: 2 678 895 and gaining everyday.
Haha I can't believe you found your boxers in your backpack! You were so upset that you lost them
Yeah... whoops.
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