From there we went in search of a bar called "Tin Pan" (maybe?) that is supposed to be really good. All was well when we were just having a seat people watching. When we decided to get on the over-crowded dance floor, things went a little down hill. This guy came up to me and started flirting, which was a little uncomfortable (he was like thirty-five and more than a little creepy). It started off normally; where are you from? Are you a teacher? etc. etc. Then he decides that it's a good idea to divulge to me that he had slept with a couple of Korean girls but he didn't find them to his liking so he'd "gone back to white girls" all the while stroking my back and holding my hand as I tried to back away.
EWEWWWWWWWWWWW!!! YEEEEECCCCHHHHH!! Why?? Why?? Why would he think that I would want to know??? *shuddering even now* A fellow teacher had a theory about foreign guys in Korea, and I'm starting to believe it's true:
The Characteristics of Foreign Men who move to Korea:
1. Moved here with their girlfriend.
2. Moved to Korea so they could find themselves a Korean girlfriend/wife.
3. Moved to Korea to be bizarre creeps in another country.
(Note: this is a generalization! I know some guys who are none of these things, but for the most part it holds true)
The man I met was a former number two, moving on to a number three. Shortly after our conversation I motioned to Laurel that I was frightened and she informed myself and random creepy guy that we were meeting some friends and had to go. Boys reading this, never try to woo a girl by informing her that she's your race of choice. You may think it, but NEVER say it.
Okay, enough bitching about men! Here are some pictures that summed up this visit to Seoul nicely:

While walking through Insadong Laurel was just walking along looking at tourist items as an old homeless man walked by slapping her on the arm and laughing. I think he was crazy... and drunk... We were thinking that this might make a good t-shirt slogan so I wrote it down on a napkin and took a picture to preserve the memory. I'm fully aware of how weird I am. (Ruler is Laurel. Her name can be really hard to pronounce due to all the r's and l's, so that is usually what her students end up calling her.)
You SHOULD make that t-shirt!
I can't believe you didn't jump on that catch at the bar. He sounded like a keeper...
Sounds like you have adventures even when you aren't trying to. Makes me glad to be home in boring Canada. See you in 43 days.
Love MOM
I'm a #3, but you know I"m only a creep to you foreigners. If normal people would stop coming here, then I wouldn't seem so freaky because Kroeans don't know the difference!
Yeah Alex, you are a #3, but you're also a bit of a #2! But I sarang you anyhow.
43 days eh? Miss you mom!
Kesi, thou hath spaken the truth unto my waygook ears. Mightest I add #4 to the list?
4. They are losers from Canada(obviously part of a Canadian loser-relocation programme).
When my mom was in Korea, we went on a DMZ tour and there was a #3/#4 with us. My mom looked at me afterwards and I just said, "And that, Mom, is why I am staying single for the duration of my Korea contract(s)".
Yeah, #3 and #4 are basically the same thing though; there are creeps from everywhere! The guy I made fun of was from Canada, but really, creepy guys who move to different countries to be creepy can be from any country!
Those creepy bastards.
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