Friday, May 18, 2007

Sports Day

Sorry Monique!! I've been quite busy as of late... busy downloading songs onto my ipod!! Not too much happening in Cathy land, apart from wonderful class free Sports Day today. OOOh!! A couple of days ago I went out to lunch with all of the teachers to a fish place. As I was biting into a piece of the strange (and really expensive) fish, Mrs. Lee says "this fish is... hmmmm... what is the word... poisonous". My reply: "Oh?" as I continue to chew. "Yes. There is poison in its blood." I was eating blowfish!! All I could think about was that episode of the Simpson's when Homer eats the fish and thinks he's going to die.

So yeah, sports day. The kids were all super-excited about this event. They've been practicing for weeks and today all of the kids came in wearing white, which I guess was their sports uniform. Some pictures. In the first one, you can see my apartment complex in the background. Living close to work is awesome! And the last picture is me (looking like an idiot) and one of my excellent extra class kids, Mi-rae.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Much better. Have a good weekend! Tell me stories.