On Monday I had one 40 minute class and today I have absolutely no class (the class that came in was too rowdy so Mr. Choi kicked them out!!! At first I thought they would be coming back, but nope...), so I've been doing A LOT of thinking. I've already long exhausted checking my e-mail and poking around facebook, so I've officially begun my "back to Canada" planning!! This is exciting and scary for many reasons. Exciting because I can't wait to see family and friends, but scary because my plans have gotten bigger and more grandiose by the day!! Thus far:
- Contract ends August 20th, so I'll be heading back to Canada sometime shortly thereafter.
- Hang out: harassing parents, visit old friends.
- Put all of my paintings and other junk in storage to get it out of the way!!
- Buy a decent car: I often have daydreams about cruising down country roads listening to music, stopping to take pictures etc.
- Buy a laptop to store my pictures, download music and provide entertainment!!
- Buy a puppy from a shelter to keep me company!
- Destinations: I definitely want to go through Alberta, BC, Montreal, NS, PEI, NWT, etc. Today I was looking at places to go in Nunavut, which may be a bit of a crazy idea but I REALLY want to go... Glaciers, ice floes, and Northern lights oh my!! And I also want to be able to say "yeah, I've been to Nunavut. It was alright." (And I want to re-enact scenes from
Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner. Wouldn't you want jump from ice floe to ice floe naked???).

- When I run out of money, which may happen pretty quickly; find a job and a place to live. Rent some studio space to keep painting, re-apply to schools.
I was looking online, and there are even hostels/backpackers places in Canada! They're pretty expensive, ranging from $25-$50/night, but that's pretty do-able. I'm also thinking of camping at provinicial parks along the way to reduce costs. It'll be fun!
Note: Sorry about the nudity (I know you can handle it mom!! And grandma!!). It's a scene from the previously mentioned movie that was filmed in Nunavut.