Thursday, September 28, 2006

Another interesting Korean fact:

Some random pictures of Naju, my hometown and the nearby mountains.

Apparently Naju, my hometown, is very famous for many people worldwide because once a statue of Mary cried tears of blood! Cool! So I guess Naju is on a lot of pilgrimmage routes in the bustling South South Korea area. There are a lot of missionaries in Korea as well, which I find kind of strange. I once stepped into the elevator at my apartment and there was a waygook, waiting in the elevator! She had a name tag which identified her as "Sister Gilbert" and told me she was a missionary. There are so many protestant and catholic churches around South Korea now. It seems kind of strange...

Another interesting fact: Aloe juice is delicious! When I first heard that people here drank aloe juic I was really confused (and a little repulsed), but it's actually quickly become my favourite juice here. It's kind of a snot green colour and has chunks of aloe in it. Mmmmmmmm!


Anonymous said...

You mean those poor unenlightened people haven't yet heard the gospels of L Ron Hubbard?!?!?! It is up to you, sister Cathy, to spread the great wisdom of scientology! DO IT NOW!!!

mightycathy said...

I'll definitely think about it. Kids here like science fiction!