Awwww... why you gotta be so mean???
So today, just over two weeks after getting back to Canada I had my first day working for a company called "Ice Culture" ( I'm going to be working on "suspensions" (suspending objects in ice) and hopefully carving, which would mean spending all day in a freezer using a chainsaw to make sculptures or whatever else would be needed. 

This is a life size ice car! Fun! And yeah, it sucks that I'm not going to get to do my cross-Canada trip yet, but I really wanted the job. Alex, if you want to fight me, then I will e-mail my address over here and see you in a couple of days. Hopefully you won't be feeling too jet-lagged when I pummel you!
well, at least you get to be semi-artistic...
I actually wanted you to drive across canada in hopes you'd finish by the new recruiting time in December and come back to Korea :P
But tell me this... are you making more money in that freezer, hmm? And are you told you're beautiful on a daily basis? And has asked if you're mixed race and suggested plastic surgery yet? :)
You know you miss Mrs. Kim hahaha
You're going to make ice sculptures with a m-f chainsaw???????
Sweet no??
And to my brother's boyfriend: I was talking to Pat and he told me to say "Whatev. I'm sooooo over that bitch."
whateva, that's what he says NOW...he'll come crawling back when he realizes there ain't 'notha man in Canada with a cock so big he can whip it 'round and tuck it in his back pocket.
Pat said he likes it when he's penetrated in one end and it comes out the other. Kinky bastard. GOd love 'm.
waaaaaayyy too far! My mom reads this thing!
up-u Date-u!
read this one 5 times already. What's you doin' now?
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