It's been relatively warm these last couple of weeks, but there's still ice out there. In fact, just this past Tuesday we were walking around by the lake and people were still snowmobiling out there. Dangerous stuff! We went for a long walk along the coast one day and saw a few little flocks of geese flying overhead, but they were headed straight for a goose blind in the distance, so now a few of them are probably in someone's freezer.
Hi mom! (the only person that would still be looking at this thing...) Now I'm living in a little town in a sub-artic region of Quebec! (look at old posts of Aug 06- Aug 07 for Korea info. Cross Canada and States trip is June and July of 08.) Enjoy!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Goose Break Wrap Up
It's been relatively warm these last couple of weeks, but there's still ice out there. In fact, just this past Tuesday we were walking around by the lake and people were still snowmobiling out there. Dangerous stuff! We went for a long walk along the coast one day and saw a few little flocks of geese flying overhead, but they were headed straight for a goose blind in the distance, so now a few of them are probably in someone's freezer.
Monday, April 18, 2011
A Tour of Town!
Axep, the local grocery store. The only grocery store. Most people living here drive the 45 minutes to Chibougamau to do their grocery shopping and also just to get out of town! It has all the necessities though, and when you consider the gas money spent is about the same price as Chibougamau.
Whenever we go out to the lake random dogs will come up to us wanting food and attention. This friendly guy is a little freaky looking though.
Goose decoys! On the section of the lake that turns into a river that never freezes (not sure how it works, but the water is VERY deep) there are a few goose decoys set up next to blinds for when the actual LIVE geese arrive.
It was a beautiful day for a walk, I must say. The water is dark, but looks nice and clean and I'm looking forward to going swimming! It just needs to stop snowing first, which is what's happening outside right now. This coming weekend is when Goose Break officially begins, and I'm sure very few people will be showing up for work. Not sure what we'll be doing; probably just relaxing and exploring. It would be interesting to go on a goose hunt somewhere, but we shall see.
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Northern Update!
This one's just from a slightly different angle, but you can see better the section of the lake that apparently never quite freezes over. Must be some sort of spring that keeps the water circulating? Geologist I most certainly am not! We were walking around in the burned out section of the trees again and trying to figure out how long ago the fire was. There are some short trees and brush growing, but it seems to be a really rocky area, so it's hard to say how long it's been.
School's going as well as can be expected. The last few days I've been feeling like the students and I have reached some sort of understanding, but already I know from experience that the moment I start to feel comfortable I'll get a couple new students and have to start all over again!! Today we watched "The Outsiders" (classic Patrick Swayze!) to celebrate getting through the book together in class, which was-- to put it nicely-- a battle. I think I heard every complaint and lie under the sun while slogging through this book. My students are never willing to do homework because they're "too busy" but then five minutes later they'll tell me how terribly boring Reception Centre is, and how they have nothing to do. Hmmmmm...
At this point I also need to figure out what I'll be doing with myself... stay here and teach if they offer it? Try and find a job somewhere back in Ontario? I'll think about it another time... It hurts my head!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The House!
My laptop near the couch for entertainment purposes! We watch all movies on that little thing!
Random Walking Around
My students are always telling me how boring I am because I don't have a t.v. They're always asking me if I've heard of this singer or that commercial and I always have to say no! It has made me realize how out of touch with popular culture I am (and have been for years now!). Haven't had cable since before University (well, except in Korea, but all for one channel were in Korean...), and I can't say that I miss it. I still see the stuff I want to see, I just find myself hating 95% of what is on t.v. nowadays.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Teepee (Tipi? Tepee?) Goodness
Friday, March 04, 2011
Clumsy Cathy As Usual
This post is a little late entirely due to my laziness, but definitely warrants a bloggin' I should think. Sunday afternoon, after Saturday's walk to Murrays Lodge, we decided we hadn't had enough I guess and went for a long walk in the woods that are in view when we walk outside the house. We're also situated on the hill above the lake, so you can see it from our house even though it's about a 10 minute walk to the water. Anyhow, we followed a random snowmobile track which led to a long and winding path through the woods. It was a beautiful, clear sunny day so this made for good photo taking opportunities as well!
We found a random fire pit along the trail that we stopped to check out. It's kind of funny to see a fire built on what is basically water! As the fire burns it's also melting the snow, so it all ended up a couple feet below where it started. I wonder how hard it is to keep a fire like that going?
Funny Story: As we were walking along we heard the sound of an approaching snowmobile. He was further ahead because I'd stopped to take some photos. I stepped off the main snowmobile track to make way for the incoming ski-doer and sunk in to just below my knees. This was no problem. As the snowmobiler passed I stepped back again into the "fresh" snow by accident and was immediately in over my waist and unable to get up! I started laughing and yelling "Heeeeellllppp! I'm stuck! It's cold!!" His camera was up and it took him a while to react or say anything (and come to my aid!!!) so I realized he'd been filming the whole thing! Hahahaha... the footage is priceless. Another classic Cathy moment, but on film this time so I can be reminded of my gracefulness! Lesson learned: do not step off the trails because the snow can be very deep!
Monday, February 28, 2011
The Lodge Again
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Then the principal arrives and tells us that the meetings will be cancelled due to an "incident" in the community. Someone living right across the road from the public school (and the public school is right beside the highschool) was wandering the neighbourhood in the middle of the night very drunk. My knowlege of the situation is very fuzzy, because we weren't really told the full story (since cops can't disclose that sort of thing), but from what I know, a neighbour saw this person and called the cops because the inebriated gentleman apparently owned quite a few guns. Not that gun ownership is such a strange thing here; there are many hunters and as far as I know native people living on the reserve don't have to worry about firearm permits or any such thing. So the police shut down the entire area, residents were evacuated in the middle of the night and the man didn't come out of his house until after 1pm the next day.
So the principal tells us to go home for the day on Tuesday, since all the roads near the school are blocked off by police and the school is of course closed anyhow. Crazy stuff! So we go home, relax and just stay away from the area.
Wednesday the school and several School Board members held a meeting to discuss everything; how everyone was feeling, their concerns and questions etc. There were many upset teachers (many of them probably living in that area that got knocks on their doors at 2am), so the meeting went on for a while. Towards the end it wasn't even really about the incident at all, but just concerns in general about the community and handling students. Being so new, I kind of felt removed from the situation. Yes, it happened in the town in which I now live, but I feel like that sort of thing can happen absolutely anywhere so I'm not going to worry about it too much. Life in general is dangerous and a big chaotic mess, isn't it?
Today (Thursday) I was back in school as per usual. All of the sudden I've gone from 3 students (bliss! heaven!) to 8 (booo! hellish!!) and they're all united in their efforts to make my life difficult, but that's alright.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Murray's Lodge
One really nice thing about Mistissini is that there are these big friendly dogs EVERYWHERE and they'll run up to you to be pet and beg for food. Whenever I walk to work there are just random dogs roaming the streets, following kids around, frolicking. Many of them are outside dogs from the looks of it as well, so these are some tough animals since tonight for example it's supposed to go down to around -40. Anyhow, as we were walking we were joined by a pack of dogs who ran out to us to check out what we were doing.
I have many pictures like this of him waiting for me to catch up! This walk made me realize that I'm very out of shape! But I love the picture because you can get an idea of how big the lake is; and we were only on a tiny little portion of it. We left our house at about 9am and over 7km later arrived at the Lodge in time for lunch. Every Saturday they serve a free meal to whoever cares to show up, consisting of traditional Cree dishes. We ate Ptarmigan (a partridge-like bird), Caribou stew, and bannock. It was all really good! Although I was starving by the time we got there, so I would have been loving whatever they chose to serve! I'm looking forward to trying goose though, my students tell me it's very delicious.
The lodge itself is a pretty simple building. There is a giant stove in the centre of it that was quite a contrast to the temperature outside. There was a bit of a crowd there, along with quite a few teachers from the highschool which was nice. I'm pretty isolated working where I am, so it was nice to get out and talk to people. After lunch we walked back along the road, so in all we walked around 17km, give or take. The walk back was longer but much easier because we were walking along the paved shoulder so the snow was packed down and infinitely easier in the walking department.
Then in the evening we went to a teachers house for a "guitar night" which was fun. I was the only novice there though, so I was just a spectator, but it was still lovely. I need to practice!